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Pop Cult India’s take on The 5 Most Powerful Superhero Abilities

Professor Xavier’s Telepathy


Telepathy isn’t the most entertaining of superpowers, people prefer movement and commotion. But it’s a useful power to have. You can read people’s minds, so no more stalking on Facebook. You can talk to them mentally, now you have no need for Skype. You can see through their eyes, pretty much like TeamViewer. You can give them hallucinations, as if you were a Youtube channel. You can even control their whole system as if you were sitting at a computer. Probably the greatest superpower ever!

Now I’m suspicious about the methods he used to become the leader of the X-Men.

Jean Grey’s Telekinesis


Telekinesis sounds like a slacker’s dream. You’d never have to get up to do anything, ever. Jean Grey took it a step further when she had a psychotic nervous breakdown where she learnt how to breakdown matter itself. Talk about “mind over matter.”

In theory she can disintegrate and reintegrate anything in existence. Except for Wolverine who would just regenerate the moment you disintegrate him. Yes, two overpowered abilities cancel each other out.

Flash’s Super Speed


Other superheroes have super speed and some even have teleportation. However no one, not even Superman has used speed the way Barry Allen has. The idea here is that not only does he run fast, he does everything fast.

Vibrating at high frequencies can make him intangible. Thanks to Einstein and Newton we know he can render an immense amount of force and energy in spite his mass (read: F=ma, E=mc2). Even his nervous signals can travel faster so he thinks faster than a normal human. And most importantly he can actually travel in time.

In DC’s revamped universe, Flash actually travels in time after waking up in an alternate universe and changes certain events to restore them to canonical propriety (Flashpoint).