Comics, graphic novels, and everything akin!

“What gun? I can’t fire a gun! I have paws!”

After a lifelong fascination with the world of superheroes, when I finally had a job and the money, I went on a rampage. I had to have all my favourite superheroes under one roof. Trust me, they weren’t kidding when they said we boys love our toys!

As a collector of sorts, I have found this treasure trove of action figures in the wonderful world known as the internet and needless to say, my hunt to find them was not easy. Would you believe it, these figures are not available anywhere in India? But battles fought and won, my little action figure empire stands proud now.

One of my first buys, and one of my favourites as well, this little Beast of mine had my heart at first sight!


This beast of a man, Henry Philip “Hank” McCoy was born in Dundee, Illinois and word is, his father, who was employed in a local nuclear power plant, was once exposed to radiation. And lo! His son, Hank, turned out to be a man of great intellect and unusually long arms and legs, like a gorilla. Known as ‘Magilla Gorrilla’ through school, this world renowned biochemist does not only work miracles in the lab, he also possesses superhuman agility, strength, speed, endurance and dexterity. This blue furred Beast also boasts of his acrobatic prowess of an accomplished circus aerialist and acrobat.


Great news for the X-men fanboys, this action figure bears more resemblance to the comic series and not the movies! Standing proud at 6.5 inches, every time I take a look at it, I wonder what lengths of finesse the sculptors went through to make each strand of hair on his body look this real! Not insanely bulky,  the muscles are just right and the claws on his hands and feet make you realize he means business (it is best to clip them to avoid injuries). His black, back swept mane of hair with flecks of blue in it, the pensive frown on his face and the piercing blue eyes makes him a wonderful sight(though I agree at times he does look scarily angry, unlike the gentle beast he usually is)! Equipped with a lot of articulation, it is a joy to discover that his thumbs and index fingers can move! The hinged jaw gives him a wide range of expressions, the neck swivels about with ease, and the lack of the hip hinge is barely noticeable as he remains steadfast.

However, there are a couple of things about the figure that snagged at my heart a couple of times. The belt though well sculpted and painted, does not fit right, the chest has too many groves and the ears an elfish pointiness that makes me frown.

Accompanied by a wall mountable display, showing it off just gets easier! And my favourite part? The 32 page comic book that comes free with it!


Price: INR 3000-3500 (approx)

-by Arjun ChakravertyA mechanical engineer by chance and a comic book lover by choice, Arjun is not only a comic book geek, he is also a mature figure collector by hobby since 2010. Thrilled at being able to pamper the kid he is at heart six months into embracing the mundane life of a daily job, we say he is quite the right blend of the mysterious and the geeky!